Pre-Primary Program
(Toddlers, Ages 2-3)
Our Toddler program is thoughtfully designed to nurture each child's natural growth and development, fostering independence and self-discovery in a warm, supportive environment. The room features age-appropriate learning materials and child-sized furniture, making every aspect of the space inviting and easily accessible to the children.
Our dedicated Guides in the Toddler program focus on building a strong foundation of trust and security between the child and the adult. Their goal is to gently guide each child toward independence, respecting their natural developmental pace. Instead of directing or controlling activities, the Guides offer assistance as needed, allowing the child’s emerging skills and abilities to flourish naturally.
Building independence through:
Practical Life Skills
Motor Skills
Hands-On Learning Sensory Integration
Language Development
Circle Time Songs & Stories
Care of Community & Self
In-House Field Trips
Toilet Training